Getting warts on hands is very common. A wart occurs when areas of the skin grow faster than normal. What causes warts is a virus known as human papilloma virus (HPV). There are more than 60 types of the HPV virus.

There is no cure for the HPV virus. Most people will naturally fight off the virus from their body within 2-3 years of infection. However, they can be re-infected at any time.

Warts on hands are uncomfortable and embarrassing to have, but are not cancerous. They can be very itchy, and can bleed if irritated. If irritated the skin around them can become very painful.

There are many different ways for removing warts. The problem is that in most cases, the warts will return. The key to removing warts on hands is to use a treatment that helps build up your immune system so that the warts will not return.

For removing warts, we have been recommending a product for several years. It will produce noticeable results in as little as 12 hours, and helps to build up your immune system to reduce the chance of the warts returning. For more information on the best wart cure, follow this link to H-Warts.

What Do Warts On Hands Look Like

warts on hands

Most types of warts are skin-colored and rough to the touch. They can grow almost anywhere on the body, but are most common on the hands, fingers, face and feet. A wart’s appearance can vary depending upon its location, and which of the HPV viruses caused it.

Who Gets Warts

Warts are contagious and children seem to be most susceptible to them. Anyone though can get them. Warts can be passed by direct contact, or indirectly when both people are in contact with the same surface, such as the floor or a table. An infected person can also transmit it to other spots on their body.

Types Of Warts

The most often seen types of warts are:

Common warts – have well-defined borders and a rough surface. They can be either round or irregular in shape. They usually range from 2 – 10 millimeters wide. Common skin warts are either yellow, light gray, brown or gray-black, and are firm to the touch. They normally appear on the back of your hands, or near the fingernails. They are also found on the elbows and knees. Common skin warts usually are not painful.

Plantar warts – appear on the soles (bottom) of the feet. The pressure of walking or standing on them flattens them. They can be dotted with very small, clotted blood vessels that look like dark pinpoint spots. Plantar warts usually are painful, particularly when they are on a weight bearing part of your feet. Sometimes plantar warts are confused with corns. Corns though, do not have the dark pinpoint spots.

Genital warts – appear on and close to the genitals. They can also appear inside the vagina and on the cervix.

Now that we have discussed the types of warts and what causes warts, it is important to go over hand wart treatment.

Warts On Hands Treatment

The traditional way for removing warts includes freezing them, cutting them or burning them off. However these treatments are very expensive, and can lead to permanent scarring or disfigurement. Also, there is no guarantee the warts just won’t grow back.

There is a much safer and more effective alternative for hand warts. This treatment not only eliminates current warts, but also helps to prevent future outbreaks. For more information on permanently removing warts, follow this link to H-Warts.

If you have any questions about what causes warts, please contact us. If you have a hand wart cure and you want our opinion on it, please let us know.

More than Warts On Hands on our Skin Wart page

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