We are often asked about home remedies such as occlusive oils head lice. One of the biggest mistakes we see in treatment is trying home remedies like vinegar and head lice.

Many people spend months trying lice home remedies like mayonnaise, tea tree oil, listerine, olive oil, vinegar, rubbing alcohol, kerosene, and occlusive oils head lice. Unfortunately, lice home remedies rarely work. Some of them are dangerous and can damage your scalp. While you are wasting time using them, the lice infestation will worsen and can spread to others. You need to use a safe and effective treatment, not a home remedy like vinegar and head lice that won’t help.

Fortunately, there is a very safe and effective lice treatment. It is all natural, contains no harsh chemicals, and kills all lice and their eggs (nits) in just one application. For information on the best lice cure, follow this link to the Fairy Tales Lice Removal Kit. For additional information about lice, please continue reading.

Lice Information

Head lice, also called pediculus humanus capitis, are parasitic insects that are found on people’s heads. Adult female lice lay eggs, which are called nits. These nits are attached to the base of the hair shaft, usually closest to the scalp. The nits are often confused for dandruff. After a week or so, the nit hatches into a baby louse called a nymph. Nymph’s look like adult louses, but are smaller. They grow to an adult in 10 days, and as an adult live for about 30 days.

To live, nymphs and adult lice must feed on blood. If the louse falls off a person and cannot feed, it will die within 2 days.

Who Can Get Lice

Anyone can get lice. You are at greatest risk of getting hair lice if you come into close contact with someone who already has head lice. Head to head contact is the most common way to get lice, however, you can also get it from contact with an infected persons clothing (such as hat, coat, scarves, hair ribbon) or other personal items (such as a brush, comb or a towel). Head lice cannot jump or fly.

Young children, ages 3-10, and their families are most often infested. Girls get lice more often then boys, and women more often than men. A person’s degree of cleanliness or personal hygiene has nothing to do with getting head lice.

Head Lice Symptoms

While, some people have no symptoms, most people will have some or all of the following symptoms:

  • Frequent feeling of something moving in their hair.
  • Nits that look like whitish shells are found attached to the base of hair strands near the scalp.
  • Scalp itching that is caused by an allergic reaction to the lice bites.
  • Irritability.
  • Red sores that can become infected if repeatedly scratched. (Vinegar and head lice can make the sores much worse).
  • Some home remedies lice can cause hair loss or an allergic reaction. We highly recommend you avoid them.
  • Home remedies like occlusive oils head lice can cause additional health problems.

Where Are Head Lice Found

Hair lice are found on the scalp, behind the ears and near the hairline at the neck. They are rarely found in eyebrows, eyelashes, or on your body. They are difficult to see, and can change color to match the host hair.

Now that we have gone over the lice information, we will go over the best lice treatment. As we have said, lice home remedies like occlusive oils head lice are not effective and can cause other problems.

Effective Lice Treatment

We have been recommending a lice treatment for several years now. It is all-natural, and begins to work in just 7 minutes. It stops the itching, and kills the lice and their eggs. For more information on the best lice cure, follow this link to the Fairy Tales Lice Removal Kit.

If you have any questions about occlusive oils head lice, please contact us. If you have tried vinegar and head lice, and want to share your experience, please let us know.

More than Occlusive Oils Head Lice on our Hair Lice page

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