We’d like to show you some molluscum contagiosum photos. Since the condition is often confused with warts, we hope these pictures molluscum contagiosum appears in can help you distinguish between the two. Keep in mind that it can be difficult to make a diagnosis based on a few pictures, and your condition could be caused by something other than molluscum contagiosum or warts, so if in doubt you can always see your physician.
What You’ll See in These Molluscum Contagiosum Photos
You’ll see from these pictures molluscum contagiosum generally appears like small flesh-colored bumps, sometimes a bit more tan or pinkish than the surrounding flesh. Occasionally small blood vessels in the bumps become dilated and then the bumps become reddened. If you look very closely, you can sometimes see a small pinhole-sized opening in the center of the little bumps.

Molluscum contagiosum is most common in young children, whose immune systems are not yet fully developed, and in adults with compromised immune systems, such as those with HIV or AIDS, hepatitis, cancer and those undergoing chemotherapy or taking immune-suppressive drugs. However, it can appear in healthy adults as well.
Molluscum contagiosum can appear on many parts of the body, including the face, neck, back, chest, buttocks, arms and legs. The palms of the hands and soles of the feet are usually not affected. The bumps are usually seen on only one or two areas of the body at a time, but the condition can spread and worsen without treatment. There may be only a few bumps or there may be many.
How Warts Differ From Molluscum Contagiosum

Wart Photos

Molluscum Contagiosum
There are different types of warts and some types resemble these pictures molluscum contagiosum appears in. Flat warts are perhaps the most likely to be confused with molluscum contagiosum because they are small, smooth and tan, pink or yellow in color. They commonly appear on the face, arms and legs.
Common warts are sometimes mistaken for molluscum contagiosum, too, but if you look closely you’ll see that they are rough instead of smooth and usually a brownish or grayish color instead of pink or flesh-colored. Unlike molluscum contagiosum, they are often found on the hands. Plantar warts look a lot like these molluscum contagiosum photos but they are found on the feet, where molluscum contagiosum is rarely seen.
You can follow this link if you would like to learn more about warts.
Other Conditions That Might Resemble These Molluscum Contagiosum Photos
As you may have noticed from these pictures molluscum contagiosum looks a lot like some other conditions, like simple acne, boils, heat rash (miliaria), and bug bites. Other, less familiar conditions that can appear a lot like molluscum contagiosum include fungal infections like cryptococcus and histoplasma, impetigo and basal cell carcinoma. It’s important to get an accurate diagnosis because while some of these conditions, including molluscum contagiosum, are not very serious, others, like basal cell carcinoma, are very serious indeed.
What if You Have a Condition Resembling These Molluscum Contagiosum Photos?
As the name suggests, molluscum contagiosum is a contagious condition. You can easily spread it to other people. It’s not really a harmful condition but many people don’t like way it affects their appearance and in some cases, it’s itchy and uncomfortable. If you see a physician, he may suggest cryotherapy, which involves freezing off the bumps with liquid nitrogen, or electrocautery, which involves burning off the bumps. Both treatments can cause scarring.
If you have molluscum contagiosum, we suggest a natural treatment instead, like Naturasil. Naturasil contains plant extracts that dry up the bumps and then they painlessly flake away. Its fast acting, and doesn’t cause scars. You can follow this link to the Naturasil Website to learn more.
More than Molluscum Contagiosum Photos on our Skin Molluscum Page
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