Many people ask what does ringworm look like. This page contains information about ringworm, pictures of ring worm, and treatment options. You can click on any of the ring worm pics for more information about Phytozine, which we have found to be the most effective treatment for ringworm.
After the pictures of ring worm is more information about this disease including the symptoms, prevention tips, and treatment information.
Ringworm Pics
Click on any of the pictures for treatment information.

Ringworm Information
Hopefully after looking at the above pictures of ring worm, you now have a good idea of what ringworm looks like. Ringworm is a skin infection that is caused by a fungus. Ringworm can affect the skin anywhere on your body (tinea corporis), scalp (tinea capitis), feet (tinea pedis, or athlete’s foot), groin area (tinea cruris, or jock itch) or nails. Ringworm is often found in several places at once.
Ringworm most often affects children, but can affect people at any age. It is a very common skin disorder, and is extremely contagious. It can be passed by direct skin to skin contact, or thru contact with contaminated items such as a hat, brush, towel, unwashed clothing, pool or shower surface. Ringworm can also be caught from an infected cat or dog.
Ringworm Treatment
Fortunately, there is a very effective ringworm treatment. It is all natural, has no side effects, and the professionals associated with this site highly recommend it. For more information about the best cure for ringworm, follow this link to Phytozine. It comes with a 100% money back guarantee if not satisfied.
If you have any additional questions, please contact us. If you want us to evaluate any pictures of ring worm, please submit them and we will have an expert give their opinion.
More Than What Does Ringworm Look Like on our Cure For Ringworm Page
Healthy Skin Guide Home Page
Hi I think I have ring worm. Trying to submit a photo but I don’t see where I can post it, unless I do an attachment through email? It is on my hand down by my thumb. I have been putting calamine lotion on it & keeping fresh bandaids on it. It looks like tiny blisters. They hurt because I of course just had to pop them& then proceeded to try it up with rubbing alcohol, then calamine. I would love to show you a photo.
I would love to purchase Phytozine if this is what I need& also how many tubes before it’s gone? Rough estimate. Definately want it irradiated! Pretty sure I got it from a dog! That is the only thing different that I have been around in last 3 weeks lately petting a rescue dog. Can it continue to spread? I believe the only thing keeping it at bay:is I keep hand sanitizer on area which is aprox the diameter of a quarter, but now it has continued up my index finger. My left hand is starting to look like a constellation. Total of 3 weeks in the making now. Getting kinda worried ‘cause I work with the public & handle a lot of product which contains plastic,cardboard,& not to mention these products have been handled by many distributors before it gets to me. By the time it gets to me; it’s probably a full blown desease(dramatic but true). I probably shouldn’t have popped the blisters; ‘Eh? Too bad I just couldn’t like personally talk to someone atm. Zoom call, video chat, photo &/or some reassurance. Help Me Please!
Where can I send you a photo? Thank you& Best Regards